Скрыть часть содержимого блока readmore.js

jQuery-плагин позволяющий скрыть часть длинного блока и показать по нажатию на ссылку. Показать и скрыть часть блока jQuery. Readmore.js.

Простое скрытие лишней информации в блоке на javascript.

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  • speed: 100 in milliseconds
  • collapsedHeight: 200 in pixels
  • heightMargin: 16 in pixels, avoids collapsing blocks that are only slightly larger than collapsedHeight
  • moreLink: '<a href="#">Read more</a>'
  • lessLink: '<a href="#">Close</a>'
  • embedCSS: true insert required CSS dynamically, set this to false if you include the necessary CSS in a stylesheet
  • blockCSS: 'display: block; width: 100%;' sets the styling of the blocks, ignored if embedCSS is false
  • startOpen: false do not immediately truncate, start in the fully opened position
  • beforeToggle: function() {} called after a more or less link is clicked, but before the block is collapsed or expanded
  • afterToggle: function() {} called after the block is collapsed or expanded
  • blockProcessed: function() {} called once per block during initilization after Readmore.js has processed the block.